Friday, July 6, 2012

"Protection", 32x40",  is a result of an experimental painting using pours of inks, watercolors, and acrylics. I am working on improving my line work to define my compositions and add more contrast. The fish just appeared and nestled up to the top edge a little close. This resulted in having to frame it "floating" - meaning the mat could not cover the edges. All edges are seen and the mat is around the outside. It won the Blue Ribbon, 1st. place award for Mixed Media at the recent Westlake Library Juried Show at Smith Mountain Lake. Sold

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sidewalk Art Show Award

Roanoke's 54th. Annual Sidewalk Art Show was this past weekend, which we participated in for the first time. We had great feedback and sales, saw a lot of old friends. Best of all, I recieved one of 15 awards given out for 112 artists. My "body of works" recieved the Mixed Media Award which is the greatest honor I could ever wish for..We also recieved several invites from Galleries and for Featured Artists spots. Dave presented my art in the most professional way and continues to be my best supporter. His pottery also recieved great reviews.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

This is an oil painting of a popular church in Salem Va. It measures 16" x 20" and is  displayed in an illusion frame. It was displayed in the Salem Museum show in June.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"High Road"

"High Road" is a small 16x16" watermedia piece that reminds me of the High Road to Taos in New Mexico. The colors and the feelings of that Southwestern area are so unique. I feel so at home there even though I have never lived in that area. I think it is due to my native American heritage and my love of the people and their values. This painting was part of the Signature 9 Gallery for the month of March. Sold


"Rememberance" is the Santa Fe dress I painted once before in watercolor- only this time it is done as an encaustic painting on a wooden 12x12 cradle board.The wax layers give it a totally different look and feel. This was one of the paintings at "The Little Gallery" here at Smith Mountain Lake.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Grainery Show

My husband, Dave's pottery was on display at the Grainery in Rocky Mount for our featured artist show for the month of Feb. 2012. The RAKU pottery along with the abstract paintings made for a really nice show. We are pretty proud of our joint efforts.


"Anasazi", 32x40", is one of my award winning abstracts that I refer to as my best painting so far. It was recently retired / donated to my minister for his new office.

Gentle Touch

"Gentle Touch" won first place in mixed media at the "Best Pick" show that the Bald Knob art group holds each year. This painting measures 20"x24" matted and framed. Sold


"Beyond", 20x24" matted and framed is quiet a conversation piece. Viewers are so creative in discribing what this piece is expressing. 


"Contrast"  is 32"x40" matted and framed. The effect is a little softer, but the contrast is appealing. 


 "Strength" is another 32x40" abstract painting on BK Reeves paper. Acrylic and tech inks are used along with watercolors to achieve the bold colors. I am working on getting the color combinations and expanding my palette.

Secret Garden

"Secret Garden" is 32"x40" matted and framed. I really like the "Monet" feel that I got in this pouring.


"Awakening" measures 32"x40" matted and framed. Sorry for the off center photo.